Interculti for Non-profit

We want to help those who help others!!

If you are an organization dealing with people from other cultures we set aside some of our time and resources to enable you to do your work. Our goal is not to earn money with your organization. Let’s just see if you could compensate our expense – maybe even through a donation receipt for our German taxes?

We could imagine the following areas where we could help you:

  • Seminars for your staff about culture, working with different cultures, living in another country or topics related to that
  • Webinars to those topics
  • Seminars or webinars for those staff who are having a cross-cultural relationship or marriage
  • Individual coaching for people who plan to leave to another country or you did or will return to their home country.

Please contact us if you are interested to get to know us and to see how you can benefit from interculti.